thomas seeley
hi there, my name is thomas. i'm a serial tinkerer and curious human. i make websites and software.
programming as creative self-expression
captain's log
log11 Aug 26
spent the weekend walking in the woods.
i'm back home now and i'm ready to write some code.
it's happening. i'm going to share the web analytics tracker this week. i've been trying to come up with a way to organize the project so val town users only have to fork a few vals and change a few lines of configuration.
i imagine this will get easier when val town introduces a "projects" concept for organizing vals. it will
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log10 Aug 22
felt very focused today!
got caught up with my sicp readings, so i watched the next lecture in brian harvey's cs61a class.
i started vannevar bush's As We May Think essay.
then took a small detour and worked on a maze generation playground site that was inspired by andrew healey's recent blog post Generating Mazes.
it turns out mazes are very cool.
it's especially fun to watch a maze be generated in real-time.
i'm going to try to implement - on my own - a few different maze
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log9 Aug 21
it's the evening, and i'm taking a break from coding to write this. :)
it's been a few days since my last update, and i've spent most of my time working to get my web analytics tracker shareable.
it's hard to decide if i should add more date filtering capabilties...
i just want a high-level look at my website view data. overall dashboard w/ total, daily, weekly, monthly views -- top paths, top referrers, etc... and site specific dashboards. okay, this is me deciding. there won't be any fancy date filtering. we are staying minimal!
also, in the past few days i've
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log8 Aug 13
notes from sicp
thought i'd make a note about iterative vs. recursive processes because i found it a little confusing.
so, first i think it's important to highlight the difference between a recursive procedure and a recursive process. recursive procedure means that the procedure either directly or indirectly refers to itself. when talking about a recursive process, let's say a linear recursive process, we are talking about how the process evolves. we can refer to a recursive procedure
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