
why i learned to program

Aug 20, 2024

so, it happened sort of by accident, sort of on purpose.

the year was 2021 i was in my junior year of undergrad studying business management and entrepreneurship.

at that point in my degree my classes were mostly focus courses. so, for me i was taking some new venture courses, a design thinking course, project management, and a business analytics course.

i spent a lot of my time creating business models and exploring case studies. to be honest i was very bored and tired of all the concepetulzaing. i wanted to actually build some of the products my peers and i were coming up with.

most of the ideas we had were web-based SaaS. i decided to start self-teaching myself web development and i immediately got hooked.

i've always been someone who likes to tackle a new skill or project and chip away at it. especially, when you can really see the results of your work.

web development was perfect for me. the feedback was immediate i

i'll admit i'm pretty new to programming and don't have the most traditional cs background or network to connect with other developers. i've been trying to fill all the gaps in my knowledge and connect with people making interesting things over the past few years.

i'm trying to decide what problems i want to spend the next few decades working on. but, first i