
live updates + visualizations

Jul 24, 2024

quick update on the web analytics service!

✦ changed the db schema to store aggregated data for each site instead of adding a new item for each page view.

✦ added origin configuration. now it only works with specified sites.

✦ created an http stream endpoint that streams the analytics data to the dashboard. this means the dashboard is now live and updates in real-time! well, i set it to update every five seconds for now.

✦ decided to add location data by country. tried a few different libraries to get the country from the ip address, but i couldn't get them to work. i whipped up ipToCountry, and it's good enough for now.

✦ added some bar charts for the browser, os, screen size, location, and views overall data.

✦ added a timestamps table to record time data for specific paths (making it easier to calculate sites' daily, weekly, and monthly view percentages).

i'm going to add a site page view to show all the data for specific sites!

here's a preview